Micromax canvas 2 a110 vs Karbonn a21 comparison of specs and price

Here is Micromax canvas 2 a110 vs Karbonn a21 head to head specs comparison to help you decide which is the best mobile between these two.

Micromax a110 canvas 2 is sold out  in India’s major online stores. Karbonn a21 is also sold out at flipkart, however, its available at infibeam. I have highlighted key differences in different color, with less spec marked in red text.

So, does Micromax a 110 canvas2 have something different from  Karbonn a21 and is it worth the wait. Lets find out.

Karbonn a21
Karbonn a21

Micromax canvas 2 a110 vs Karbonn a21 comparison of OS and processor:

Both are dual SIM phones so there is no difference there. Both come with Android v4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) OS. Karbonn a21 has a 1.2 GHz ARM Cortex-A5, Dual Core processor and canvas2 has 1 GHz, Dual Core.

Micromax canvas 2 a110 vs Karbonn a21 comparison of display:

Karbonn a21 has 4.5 Inches display with WVGA, 480 x 800 Pixels.

Canvas2 has LCD, 5 Inches, FWVGA, 854 x 480 Pixels, 262 K colours

Micromax a110 canvas 2 has a 8 Megapixel primary camera as against 5 Megapixel of Karbonn a21. On the other side, Karbonn a21 secondary camera is 1.3 Megapixel and micromax has 0.3 Megapixel.

So no major difference to point out here.

Karbonn a21 uses a 1800 mAh battery with a talktime of 5 hrs (2G), 8 hrs (3G) and a standby time of 200 hrs (2G), 290 hrs (3G).

Canvas 2 uses a Li-Ion, 2000 mAh battery with 5 hrs (2G) talktime and a standby time of 180 hrs (2G).

In this case head on comparison, both are almost equal.

Micromax a110 canvas 2 vs Karbonn a21 comparison
Micromax a110 canvas 2 vs Karbonn a21 comparison

Micromax canvas 2 a110 vs Karbonn a21 memory and storage comparison:

Micromax has 2 GB internal memory with expandable memory slot of microSD, upto 32 GB and 512 MB RAM.

Karbonn a21 has 2.57 GB iternal memory with expandable memory slot of microSD, upto 32 GB and 512 MB RAM.

So no major specs difference here.

Bottom Line:

In the Micromax canvas 2 a110 vs Karbonn a21 comparison, its almost a comparison of equal specs.

Both phones are very popular in India. Karbonn a21 is currently available online for about Rs. 9,990 vs  10299 for micromax a 110 canvas2 whenever available. In my opinion, overall, Micromax a110 canvas 2 is just a little bit better than Karbonn a21 in terms of more popularity and user reviews. So, best thing would be to hit a local shop to see which one you like better in terms of look and availability.

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