Microsoft deletes Twitter and Facebook on Xbox 360 with the arrival of Xbox Music

The latest update for Xbox 360 brings the integration of Xbox Music, however, also comes the elimination of Twitter apps and Facebook for your console.

Xbox 360

This phase has a clear goal, make room for Internet Explorer; the application will be fully into the console and allow full-screen navigation. Moreover SmartGlass is the perfect peripheral to facilitate navigation in the Xbox 360.

Were you using Twitter / Facebook on Xbox? Now you will miss them? Applications? Since most people use their smartphone / tablet connected to the Internet to update social profiles, these applications seem to pass the background, something that Microsoft has captured and acted in essence. Well, by eliminating Twitter and Facebook App from Xbox 360 doesn’t mean you will not able to use them, of course there exists alternative and if you don’t want to go with alternatives then simply run Facebook and Twitter in Internet Explorer of Xbox 360.


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