Post Tagged with: "Google Glass"

Android, Cameras, Display & Monitor, News, Reviews

Google’s Glass will invade privacy? Be aware!

Google’s Glass will invade privacy? Be aware!

Google X Lab has worked on futuristic technologies such as driverless cars and developed Google Glass, a wearable computer with head mounted display. The Google Glass is a tiny display which resides just above the eyeline. One can view what is on the display. The Glass has an embedded camera, […]

by × April 6, 2013 × Comments are Disabled

Computers, News

Motorola HC1 wearable computer: Specs & Features

Motorola HC1 wearable computer: Specs & Features

While Google is still working on developing a portable computer in the form of points Glass, which has revealed many times and called “Google Glass”, Motorola has created its own similar solution, called Motorola HC1. However, development of Motorola does not yet have such an elegant look as the glasses […]

by × October 24, 2012 × Comments are Disabled


Google Glass, starring in the New York Fashion Week

Google Glass, starring in the New York Fashion Week

Technology Google Glass that the Mountain View Company introduced remarkably in the last event Google I / O has returned to make an appearance, but this time it has a completely different event: the fashion week in New York, where several coupled models wore these devices besides presenting different dresses. […]

by × September 10, 2012 × Comments are Disabled