While the market for computer demonstrates recession but smartphone market research Company Gartner predicts stable growth.
So in 2015 will be sold about 1 billion smartphones and 350 million tablets as per the research and calculation by Gartner. Also there will be developing dynamic and relevant mobile services. Already, about 40% of Facebook users are used for access the mobile devices, and Twitter about half of site visits carried out with smartphones. It is expected that in 2014, about 1 billion users to access social networking sites will use mobile devices: smartphones and tablets. Now, according to Gartner, only 15% of mobile phone owners use social networks on their mobile devices.
The development of the mobile market will stimulate market development and geo-location services, the functionality of which will be enhanced. It is expected that by 2015, these services will generate revenue of $ 13.5 billion and now mobile shopping applications; Gartner predicts a slowdown in development.