Google has changed the legal agreement in the Android SDK to deal with the fragmentation of the platform

For the first time since 2009, Google has made major changes in the legal agreement with third-party developers creating applications for the Android and the core code. The reason for this is the next step to combat the fragmentation of the platform, now with legal methods. In particular the text of the agreement, a new clause (section 3.4), directly prohibiting developers for any actions that could lead to the fragmentation of the OS.

Google Android SDK Agreement

“You agree that you will not take any action that may cause or lead to future occurrence of fragmentation Android, including, but not limited to distribution of the code involved in its creation, the promotion of any kind or any use of the SDK”, – sounds up to some extent restricts developers text.

The fragmentation of Android – it’s a sore subject, and long-standing problem for Google. The company tries to deal with it in different ways, including the development of Google Play and attempts to ban developers to seriously change the interface of the OS. The fragmentation is the complexity in creating applications and expensive process because of the need to adapt them to different devices and OS, and user dissatisfaction because of the long wait for new versions of the software. For example, over 50% of all Android-devices still work on Android 2.x, released in 2010.

In addition, Google wants to prevent the emergence of quite disparate branches of the platform, while the first prerequisite to this already. Amazon for its tablet uses a completely redesigned version for your needs of Android, and even the Chinese, too, has its own version of the operating system, built on the base platform code Google. So, now in near future things will change, this was all regarding the Google Android SDK agreement, stay tuned for more updates.

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