Post Tagged with: "Torrents"


Pirate Bay founder was arrested by police in Cambodia

Pirate Bay founder was arrested by police in Cambodia

Litigation with the Pirate Bay is actually closed, but one of the founders of the torrent tracker and was punished because of what was lost sight of the police in Sweden and was put on the international wanted list. Now, however, he was arrested in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, local police […]

by × September 3, 2012 × Comments are Disabled

Apps, News

Advertising reaches uTorrent with ‘featured torrents’

Advertising reaches uTorrent with ‘featured torrents’

Responsible for uTorrent, one of the best BitTorrent clients with 125 million users, today announced a new version in the coming weeks that will include advertising by ‘Sponsored torrents’. A significant development is causing discussion on the official forum and that those responsible advocate of the need to raise revenues […]

by × August 12, 2012 × Comments are Disabled