Tablets that are the object of desire of many people is no secret, and even in this economy so depressing in which we are involved, who can afford it. This Christmas, many people have decided to buy a tablet for them or for their belongings and on the top list of desired tablet there is no one other than Nexus 7 or Apple iPad.
That seems to be the decision that faced many of the buyers coming from devices in the U.S., and the answer, according to a survey conducted by the electronics store would be fifty-fifty.
The Nexus 7 and ASUS Google take 30% purchase intent, the same for the third-generation iPad, while the iPad Mini stays at 24%. Residually, Microsoft Surface, Amazon Kindle Fire and Nook have their audience.
And it sounds to United States, most likely to be repeated in other countries, because everyone wants their tablet, if possible, recognized brand. Which tablet iPad or Nexus you would like to buy? Answer in comments.