3 out of 4 are Android smartphones

Google’s operating system continues to break records, ranking third quarter of 2012 to lead the smartphone industry with a 75% market share.


The figures offered by consultancy IDC leave no doubt, is that the growth of Android has been unleashed in the past two years dramatically. Right now, globally, three of every four smartphones are Android.

The only alternative that remains strong is iOS, with almost 15% market share (14.9%). Below is because BlackBerry (4.3%), Symbian (2.3%) or Windows Mobile / Phone (2%).
The following table shows the numbers of sales, market share and changes over the same period last year:


As you can see, Android is the only option that is growing strongly, but not the only growing. The Apple iPhone is still selling like hotcakes, and your system is the least affected by the green android. The worst off are BlackBerry and Symbian.

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