A few days ago, Microsoft introduced its first line of tablets, Surface, and it has opened a new chapter in the history of IT-industry. The software giant tried to learn from its rival, Apple, hardware and software to create their own toppings. Naturally, the reaction of its partners, many of them at once became rivals was mixed. Acer Company which is considered as the fourth-largest PC manufacturer in the world and it works closely with Microsoft.
During the meeting with journalists Reuters President of the European division Acer, Oliver Ahrens (Oliver Ahrens), shared his thoughts on recent tablet. He noted that the strategy of copying Apple’s face, but Oliver questioned its effectiveness for Microsoft.
The strategy of creating and promoting the Surface will not be successful because you cannot be a serious player in the hardware manufacturers with only two devices. Microsoft is working with a couple of dozen vendors around the world, including local companies, while the Apple is one and it is more or less able to do what it wants. In turn, Microsoft – is an integral part, a component of PC-system. It is very important, but still only a component.
Ahrens expressed his concerns about the dispersal of attention Microsoft:
Instead of focusing on improving the experience of using Windows 8 is Microsoft has opened a new field of battle. I am afraid that this will lead to a loss of focus within Microsoft, and we have to suffer because we are working with their products.
Windows 8 is “incredibly important” part of the business and Acer at the moment of starting the operating system the company plans to introduce four or five products based on this platform, including tablets and ultrabook. All of them will be accompanied by an extensive advertising campaign, but this time the Chinese manufacturer intends to depart from the usual canons and to focus on the experience with the devices, rather than on their characteristics.
In addition, Acer is the sponsor of the 2012 Summer Olympics to be held in London, and the company not only provides computer equipment, and establishes a fully IT-infrastructure for the event.
According to Arens, in the second fiscal quarter of this year, this unit, covering regions such as Europe, Middle East and Africa, expects 50 percent revenue growth. In the first quarter of this year, it has brought 37% of total revenue to Acer. But the third quarter is going to be difficult due to the transition from Windows 7 to Windows 8.