At yesterday’s event in the U.S., Amazon radically updated family of readers and tablets, providing among other things my first e-ink reader with built-in lighting Amazon Kindle Paperwhite.
For the first time in devices from Amazon using the next generation of electronic paper increased by 62% the number of pixels, which increased the resolution of the 6-inch screen up to 212 PPI. Official confirmation yet, but it seems to Amazon Kindle Paperwhite uses a matrix E Ink Pearl HD. In addition to the higher resolution, the screen has a 25% contrast, as a result of background was noticeably whiter, and the characters – darker.
However, the most important innovation was the economical lights, similar to those used in the model of Barnes & Noble NOOK with GlowLight. On e-ink is first applied to the matrix of a touch layer, above which is a special film, acting kind of fiber. Moreover, Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Installed in the cabinet depth LED illuminated face of the layer and then its entire surface due to reflections lights, making the image of the matrix e-ink visible in the dark. Thus, Amazon Kindle Paperwhite can be used under all ambient light conditions, including reading bedtime.
Interestingly, in contrast to the infrared sensor systems that are used in the most popular card readers, including Barnes & Noble NOOK, Sony Reader PRS-T1/T2 and Amazon Kindle Touch in the new reader Amazon Kindle Paperwhite uses capacitive touch layer. Theoretically, such a solution can degrade image quality e-ink matrix by introducing an additional layer, but definitive conclusions can be made only after the testing.
Implementing multi-touch interface developers Amazon Kindle Paperwhite completely abandoned the hardware controls on the housing there is not only a novelty buttons to scroll through, not even a button Home. Of the connectors present only port micro-USB, memory card slots for line Kindle traditionally not. From full charge reader is able to work up to 8 weeks, although the conditions in which the measurements (brightness, range of daily reading activity of wireless modules) are not yet announced.
Body thickness of Amazon Kindle Paperwhite is 9.1 mm, and weight – 213 grams, that is not record parameters. The interface is completely redesigned in this model, added some useful features such as fine-tuning the brightness, the forecast is required to complete reading of the book of time, etc.
In the U.S., sales of Amazon Kindle Paperwhite start on October 1 at a price of $ 119 for the regular version and $ 179 for the version with 3G-free data transmission in 100 countries.