At the conference of Google I/O, company officially unveiled a new version of its mobile operating system Android, which has the serial number 4.1, and the name of this version is Jelly Bean.
The main Innovation in the New OS is to Speed up the interface. In the framework of the developers have set a goal to make the Android interface of v4.1 Fast, Smooth and responsive. During the presentation, Google showed the next two Galaxy Nexus, one of them powered with Ice Cream Sandwich, and the second one powered with Android Jelly Bean.
In the case of Jelly bean, switching between windows and applications was going smoothly. And automatically OS increases the speed of the processor as soon as the user touches the screen and reduces it if nothing happens to the display to save Power.
Changes in the interface of Android v4.1 are minimal. Most Innovations found in the system the drop-Alerts down menu, now user can put more information on their Android.
Widgets in the Jelly Bean are now automatically adjusted to the available space on the screen. In Google Promises, that with this version of Android some of the problem will disappear for example when the user tries to fit the widget in one of the screens of the desktop, and it is not added because of some icons, and it has to be removed.
Android Jelly Bean have also Improved predictive text input, it is faster to learn and furthermore it has improved dictionaries. In addition, the keyboard now guesses the word that the user wants to enter; of course it will be based on the Already Entered text. In Ice cream Sandwich Company first Introduced the Voice input text in Real time, the system turned the vote in the letter at a time when the user dictates the message. Android Jelly Bean has improved functions.
Another great feature in New Android Jelly Bean is a new search from Google, Which have new Looks, and got a New Voice Engine. Search the Jelly Bean is now something like a virtual assistant in the Siri iPhone 4S.
The Most interesting Part of Android Jelly Bean v4.1, a new Service / Google Application, Now, That display information is based on user preference. Service tracks the location of smartphone users, displaying the Current weather, Road traffic on the way to work, the time needed to overcome this distance, Public Transport, and even Tracks from the game of your favourite team.
The new services will display the local weather, restaurants and cafes, which are worth for a visit, it will also track down and information about the flight Departure. In general, Google Android Jelly Bean looks very promising.
Android Jelly Bean will be released in July of this year. The updates “on Air” will be available for Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S and Motorola Xoom tablet. At the Same time, Google plans to enable the open source for ITS Partners to prepare an update for their devices.