Elliptic Labs has developed the technology of non-contact touch input based on ultrasound

Touchscreen interfaces are gradually emerging in an increasing number of devices: tablets, smartphones, laptops, monitors. Most contemporary solutions based on capacitive technology, which provides a direct contact with the user’s fingers touch the surface. This approach has one major drawback – gradually become contaminated touch surfaces.

Elliptic Labs has developed the technology of non-contact touch input based on ultrasound

However, the new design allows the use of Elliptic Labs touch input information through natural hand gestures without having contact with the surface of the display. The technology in question is based on the ultrasonic radiation, and with which hand gestures are recognized by the display near the surface and around the side faces. The system used sound waves and contains microphone that receive the reflected sound. Its principle of operation is largely similar to the operation of the radar. Previously, to implement touch input without touching the surface of the display using the camera. However, the camera has a limited area of perception, while the technology Elliptic Labs can cover more working space. In addition, a new development quite economical in operation a system consumes 95% less energy than a system based on the camera.


Elliptic Labs offers Windows 8 Gesture Suite to implement contactless touch input capabilities to the operating system Windows 8, SDK for developers, and a set of Starter Kit for laptops, which allows the use of a specified technology without making changes to existing laptops.

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