Android version of the Flash player, it’s over, almost. As we announced in late June, Adobe will, from today 15th of August, delete the Flash App software from Google Play Store. Only users who have previously installed the Flash on their Android mobile will continue to see from the application. But they do not expect updates: Adobe will handle only now possible to plug security holes. It also points out that this ultimate version of Flash is not compatible with Android Jelly Bean.
A symbol! Flash on Android was, yet there are few, a selling point for some manufacturers including mobile and tablets offered a “full browsing” unlike iOS products. Remember that Steve Jobs never intended for Flash, which he considered a nerdy technology, on Apple mobile devices and therefore preferred to rely on HTML 5.
That addict can rest assured Flash anyway: it disappears from the Play Store only but there are ways to install it on a Android … By getting just the file .APK on the web. So, today on 15th August, Flash player is saying bye-bye to Android officially.