Kingston is one of the world’s best brands when it comes to the memory whatever it is flash memory, secondary memory, RAM or cache. This time Kingston introduced its new memories RAM DDR memory for high-performance.
The company Kingston has just introduced its memories Kingston HyperX Predator DDR3 RAM showing a new sink and come with the ability to work with frequencies up to 2.666 MHz. At present, there exists a few DDR3 RAM which can work at 2,666MHz, this is another good achievement by Kingston.
If we talk about the new Kingston HyperX Predator DDR3 Ram, they are compatible with Intel XMP profiles (Intel P55 boards, H67, P67, Z68, H61 (AG) and Z77) as well as tablets with AMD chipsets A75, A87, A88, A89, A78, and E35.
They are available in kits of 2 and 4 modules in capacities ranging from 8 GB (43.47 €) to no less than 32 Gbytes (€ 263.77). So, if you dreamed that you will use 32GB RAM in your computer, here Kingston has brought Kingston HyperX Predator 32GB DDR3 high-performance RAM memory which is more than enough for present generation computer terminals. In future of course next arrival will be 64GB RAM, but it will take time. Kingston HyperX Predator is really a great initiative by Kingston to back into the high performing RAM by Kingston HyperX Predato.