In its official blog, Mozilla has published a great article on the development of mobile operating system, Firefox OS, formerly known as Boot to Gecko. In this material, it focused on the issues of design, iconography, typography and sound design, which, according to the developer, would make the platform beautiful, comfortable and modern tools.
The article reveals some interesting features Firefox OS. For example, the interface is based on layers, in a similar way as is done in the client of Facebook or e-mail application Sparrow in iOS. To access the menu, or any section rather simple gesture to move the current layer to the side. Moreover, these layers may be several.
The experience is also interesting in terms of design selection background for various applications. So, for multimedia and entertainment preferred the dark colors, which creates a kind of “cinema effect”, adjusts to the desired fashion. In turn, a light background and intelligently selected font are important to use in applications: an email client, office suite, task lists, etc.
All in all sections of the program, the desktop, the screen locks resemble a kind of mixture of WebOS and Android, and some built-in applications remotely similar to counterparts from iOS. Already Firefox OS creates a good impression, but is difficult to say whether Mozilla will have time to release it in early 2013, as it plans.