Samsung has announced the successor to the compact digital camera EX1. This new digitcam is Samsung EX2F which has different wide-angle lens with a focal length of 24-80 mm (approximately 3.3h optical zoom) and aperture F1.4 – F2.7. In addition, the device has a number of other interesting features.
Samsung EX2F supports JPEG and RAW, and contains a module Wi-Fi, which provides maximum comfort with sharing and copying images. It set a 12-megapixel CMOS-sensor on the back of flare (BSI) and the diagonal 1/1, 7 inches, and 3-inch VGA-display has a swivel hinge and made the technology AMOLED.
The level of sensitivity the camera is in the range from 80 to 3200 ISO. The device turned out pretty compact and light: 112 x 62 x 29 mm, 294 g, the dual image stabilization (optical + digital) and video recording feature in the resolution of 1080p, 30 frames per second, stereo audio (codec H.264) is also present.
Among the interesting features of Samsung EX2F are pop-up flash “hot shoe” for connecting accessories (optical viewfinder, an external flash, etc.), two hardware control wheel for quick settings, shutter priority and aperture as well as the possibility of full manual shooting settings. The footage is stored on a memory card SD / SDHC / SDXC. Apart from anything else in the chamber there are USB 2.0 and HDMI.
This new Samsung EX2F will arrive in August and will cost around $550. Stay tuned for more information.