Development of a new generation of game consoles is in strict secrecy but when it reaches to closer to the release becomes difficult to keep secrets and today we again come up with the secret regarding upcoming Sony PlayStation 4. According to the information game developers started to get developer kits Sony PlayStation 4 (code name Orbis).
According to the news, the new version sets Orbis (the second time in a row) is supplied in a standard computer case. In this case, the system is based on common components for the PC. The Sony PlayStation 4 gaming console uses a processor AMD A10 APU (Accelerated Processing Unit), which contains the computing and graphics core. In addition, the kit contains 8 or 16 GB of RAM, 256 GB Hard Drive (not specified, a hard drive or solid state drive), optical drive Blu-ray, LAN port Ethernet, wireless module Wi-Fi and video output HDMI. The system must have sufficient capacity for current and future projects, and trouble-free run games in Full HD 1080p resolution with 3D at 60 frames per second.
It is expected that the third set of Orbis with characteristics similar to the real Sony PlayStation 4 will be available in January 2013. Fourth, the final version of the Dev Kit will be available to developers next summer. Well, this was all regarding the upcoming Sony PlayStation 4, so stay tuned for more updates.