A strike by Chinese workers at Foxconn, to protest poor working conditions, have halted production of the iPhone 5, according to the U.S. rights group China Labor Watch, an information that the manufacturer has refused.
Continuing problems in the Chinese-Taiwanese company Foxconn, as known to manufacture products Bestseller Apple Mobility, as famous for the wave of suicides among its employees.
Suicides of those considered ‘exclavos XXI century’ as human rights organizations who have spent years denouncing the deplorable working conditions of workers in the third world, used by large technology to manufacture gadgets with which we enjoyed in the first world.
The request to Apple to make an iPhone 5 ‘ethical’ and pay raise for workers, there seems to have been enough and according to China Labor Watch, between 3,000 and 4,000 employees have begun a strike at the plant production of iPhone.
A strike in protest against the increase of the quality control of the iPhone 5 to unskilled workers (after criticism from scratches in your case) or suspension of rest days in the Chinese National Day weekend, just to meet delivery terminal units to the high demand.
Meanwhile, Foxconn has indicated that, “any news that there has been a strike by employees is not exactly … There has been no arrest in the workplace, at that facility or any facility of Foxconn, and production continues the schedule”, said from the Taiwanese company.
We will see. Foxconn is the largest global electronics subcontractor and working conditions (harsh) of its workers are well known, with the maximum performance and admitted only concept.
This situation affects not only Apple iPhone 5 but Foxconn also works for Dell, HP, Microsoft, Nintendo, Nokia, Sony and other big companies, other companies fear under the same conditions.