Company VIA announced the release of a compact embedded motherboard VIA VAB-800, containing the pre-processor architecture based on ARM. As such the processor can be used by the chip Freescale ARM Cortex-A8 800 MHz or 1 GHz, which incorporates two separate graphics core.
Device is represented in the form factor Pico-ITX and has dimensions of 10 x7 x 2 cm in addition to the CPU on the motherboard are up to 64 GB of flash memory eMMC, 1 GB of memory standard, DDR3, a SATA connector for connecting storage devices. Also available are two-port USB 2.0, one LAN port 10/100 Ethernet, two port COM, bus CAN, SDIO and eight GPIO, connectors for connecting external audio line inputs and outputs, as well as a microphone. To connect the monitor interfaces available to Mini HDMI, VGA port, and two single-channel LVDS. In this case, due to the presence of two independent processor cores supported graphics simultaneous removal of two independent images on display with 3D/2D graphics acceleration. VIA VAB-800 also declared support for video playback in Full HD resolution of 1080p.
The new motherboard VIA VAB-800 can be used in ambient temperatures from -20 to +70 degrees Celsius. It features low power consumption and heat dissipation (TDP of 5 watts) and can be used in the industrial and automotive embedded systems lacking an active cooling system. At the same time the possibility of supported operating systems in VIA VAB-800 are Android, Ubuntu and Windows 7 Embedded Compact.