Since the time Oculus Rift came into being and the world was introduced to some breath-taking 360 degree videos, all of us started using the term Virtual Reality Videos. But are 360 degree videos and Virtual Reality videos the same thing? If we go by what the book says, VR and a real life 360 degree video are two different things. By the very definition, Virtual Reality is a computer generated environment.
So, ideally it is incorrect to call a 360 degree live action video a Virtual Reality video. Virtual Reality video then limits itself to any content that is computer generated and gives the viewer an immersive experience. The VR headsets are the best setting to view a VR video along with sensory gloves which can be used to track hand movements and touch. There are also body movement tracking suits that people use. Gloves and headsets are the most used VR equipment with maximum application in the gaming industry.
With 360 degree videos reaching out to the masses with the help of YouTube and Facebook, people have enjoyed them in different types of Virtual Reality headsets ranging from Google cardboard to Samsung GearVR. The bifurcation is simple, a computer generated video which takes you into another world and gives you an immersive experience is a Virtual Reality Video. It is being used interchangeably with the 360 degree videos because of the immersive experience the viewer gets.