
Corn starch is a basic staple ingredient made from the starchy portion of corn kernels called “endosperm”. It’s used as a thickening agent for marinades, gravies, meats, sauces, soups, casseroles and more. Corn starch is great for cooking but can also have uses outside the kitchen like skin relief, anti chafing, deodorant, bug bite relief and more! The trickiest part of using cornstarch is trying to find it in the grocery store. Use our tool to put in your zip code, select a store, and see the exact aisle it’s in. We made a tool to let you find the exact location for your store. To use our tool, enter your zip code, select your store, search for “corn starch” and it will show you the aisle and price!
What aisle is cornstarch in Kroger?
At my grocery store, corn starch is in Aisle 7. Aisle 7 is flour/sugar/baking/candy/coffee/tea/spices. So, corn starch will often be in the baking aisle! Here’s a picture of the results when I selected my store and typed in corn starch.

Where is corn starch in the grocery store?
Corn starch is usually in the baking aisle. It’s usually next to things like flour, spices, baking soda and more!
Find corn starch in your grocery store!
At my grocery store, corn starch is in Aisle 7 but it will differ store by store. If you shop at Kroger and want to instantly check where it is, you can now! AisleSpot is an app which helps you find products in your specific grocery store. Right now, we are only available in Kroger but we would love you to sign up for updates so you can test it at a grocery store near you!

Does Kroger have cornstarch?
Kroger has a variety of corn starch brands. They have generic kroger brand corn starch, argo corn starch, maizena corn starch, rumford corn starch and more! Just put in your zip code, select your kroger, and type in “corn starch” to see which brands your store has.
Is corn starch the same as corn flour
Corn flour is made by finely grinding whole corn kernels, whereas cornstarch is made just from the starchy part of corn. As a result, corn flour contains protein, fiber, starch, vitamins, and minerals, whereas cornstarch is mostly carbs. Both corn flour and cornstarch are great ingredients to use for thickening sauces. Cornstarch has almost no taste and when you add it to a sauce, it will create a glossy appearance while thickening.
What is the price of corn starch?
Kroger generic brand corn starch is $1.49 but the brand Argo is $2.49 per package. It’s not super expensive but if you are looking to save money, you can try out the generic corn starch because it is pretty similar in quality to the Argo brand.
Is cornstarch bad for you?
Cornstarch is high in calories and carbs but low in essential nutrients. It may also increase blood sugar levels and harm heart health. You don’t use much to make a sauce but if you ate a lot of it everyday, that would not be good for you. It’s not unhealthy in small amounts, but it does add calories and carbohydrates to foods.
5 substitutes for corn starch
Here are 5 substitutes for corn starch!
- Wheat Flour
- Potato Starch
- Corn Flour
- Tapioca
- Rice Flour