One of the most popular multi-platform 3D-engine, Unreal Engine 3, got to the new operating system Windows RT, which is an important step in its development for Microsoft, and for consumers. Company Epic Games has ported it for ARM-based operating system and demonstrated the effect with a demo Epic Citadel, which was launched on the tablet ASUS Vivo Tab RT. The result on the video below:
In the tablet installed SoC NVIDIA Tegra 3, which could be issued in Epic Citadel on average 35-45 frames per second, which is pretty good, considering the use of a full Unreal Engine 3, not the simplified version used in iOS and Android.
The presence of such a powerful tool as Unreal Engine 3 SDK for Windows RT and port will create a very high quality and visually appealing game products, and after the game – this is one of the driving forces of progress. It is too early to say what will come of the new venture Epic Games, but the company has shown interest in the development of the new platform Microsoft, which this year, in fact, begins its life on the tablet market from scratch.