OnHub Smart WiFi router from Google

We all understand the possibility and importance of an existence of a WiFi router. The main reason with which we can connect to such a router because it is simple and easy. Thus, such a WiFi router helps in big ways to make things easy.
Out of them Google’s OnHub proves to be a mystery to many. Google has definitely stepped into this field of giving a WiFi router.It also has a really funny glowing cylinder which is equipped with ways too much processing power for its own personal good. To describe it, the router has many antennas along with a well-fitted cloud connection to an updated Google update server which tends to evolve at will.

Google Onhub WiFi Router

What you are ending up paying for the router is just $200 for an extremely updated and connected WiFi router right now. This is not something of an unheard-of sum of money but the price can be terme as a little expensive.
Set up:-
This particular device of OnHub was specifically built by a much modelled TP-Link named “TGR1900.” What the device OnHub looks like or appears to be is a 7.5-inch tall plastic cylinder which is equipped with an interesting 4.5-inch diameter. For that money, it is thus mostly the hardware you would actually be expecting. It actually has a dual-band 2.4 and also a 5GHz 802.11ac.
It is surely equipped with a good speed of WiFi extending upto 1900Mbps.
Simple interface
The Google OnHub is equipped with a very private interface. For the surprise of many, it actually tends to be a very easy smartphone app. You can even try to access this OnHub the traditional way, by actually typing the IP address into a given browser, and then you’ll be able to get the first screen in the specific gallery.
Another nice thing about the app OnHub which will do is provide the required display for the password . This is especially helpful for an app based router is because it helps you to share it via an app or the given clipboard. This comes super helpful and handy for long and tends to give some secure passwords that of ourse should not be verbally shared.

Google Onhub WiFi Router

The biggest flipside of this par remains that it is with just one LAN port instead of what is provided (usual four). It also gives one the typical router settings which then have been reduced from pages and other pages of options to manage with just a handful of tweaks.
The device OnHub is pretty much more than a router. Just like Google’s other products, it tries to give more with some applications.
Overall Review

Network traffic and struggling to manage a WiFi router on the phone could be a problem for you. However, in the long run such an app will help you realize the importance of this app and its ability to control smart home objects. Having said that, Google’s ingenuity with the app router is worth considering but it would surely give a pinch to your pockets while considering the price one has to pay for it.

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