The native security solution for Windows, Microsoft Security Essentials has lost certification AV and failed to reach the last tests.
The antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows 7, renamed and upgraded to Windows Defender in Windows 8, are only basic protection in no way can replace commercial security solutions , even free.
The loss of certification of AV specialist firm, suffered by the Security Essentials confirms 4.x, being the only one of the 24 analyzed that did not reach the minimum score required (11 out of a maximum of 18) to obtain certification.
AV tests were conducted between September and October with score 0-6 points in three categories: protection, repair and usability. The Microsoft Security Essentials failed especially in the most important category, in protection.
Other firms free antivirus are Avast, AVG or Panda made the cut, especially the latter with Panda Cloud Antivirus Free Edition is also the only free product stamped signature Advanced + AV. This was all about the Microsoft Security Essential which just lost the certification of AV, stay tuned for more information.