While 4k and 8k are not even established, here is some news on the 11k resolution technology. This much hyped phenomenon is now available in the market and a review of this feature has many elements to it:
Is 11k technology worth?
Forget about any other previous resolution like 4k and even 8k TVs, the product Samsung is actually on the verge of developing an 11k aka super-resolution’ display. However, there is still no evidence with us to prove whether it is worth it or is it just another pixel overload. Samsung is keen on developing 11k screens which tends to boast 2250 pixels per inch.
They are thus expected to go quite on sale in 2018 with an effective mobile offering to follow.
What is the 11k resolution project about?
Samsung is working in partnership with the South Korean government, which will also be investing a round 26.5 million dollars in the given project over the added course of 5 years. As many as around 13 domestic and also foreign companies are getting involved in the technology, which has been even in sync with the development since the date of 1st of June. The project is thus named EnDK and hosts a public prototype which is expected to be presented at the very famous 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

Which 11k rsolution devices are upcoming?
Samsung expects to have an efficient prototype display which is set to be ready by some time in the year 2018. This means that this device would almost unbelievably be the screen prototype which might even be more commercially available in nice kind of smartphones and other display devices by the year 2019. This is provided with actually more than 4 times the pixels of even present or current quad-HD mobile displays which are being released by Samsung already.
Furthermore, there is the 11K resolution display technology which if successfully developed within the time being actually theorized, will effectively jump the gun on some crazy 8K resolution, which a number of companies (including the product Samsung itself) are also nicely working on developing.
Comparison between 4k and 8k resolutions
Of course, there’s also a flip side of the effective coin here. Even if the device Samsung successfully develops this very extreme 11K display, how is even the image and video processing technology going to particularly going to keep up?
Currently there are many ISPs, broadcasters and even processing chip makers which are still having some problems just with processing some kind of 4K video resolution, with added effective 8K still being a future dream.
Thus, over all, the technology of 11K puts both 4 k and 8 k to shame with its faster processing needs. It does need a lot of back processing development which will have to happen there. However, the 11k video display resolution would become a kind of commercial reality one day.