Post Tagged with: "Sharp IGZO"

Display & Monitor, News, Smartphones


What is SHARP IGZO Technology – Specs, Features & Review

New SHARP IGZO technology acronym stands for indium-gallium-zinc oxide. The SHARP IGZO technology will be used in future displays of TVs, tablets and smartphones, as it allows the construction of a thinner and lighter chassis and also provides greater color depth and battery life. Sharp IGZO technology is developed for […]

by × January 3, 2013 × Comments are Disabled

Display & Monitor, News

Sharp and Qualcomm will jointly develop energy efficient IGZO displays

Sharp and Qualcomm will jointly develop energy efficient IGZO displays

The company Sharp and Qualcomm have signed an agreement on joint development of energy-saving LCD panels for smartphones and in this case they are going to use none other than most recent IGZO displays technology. The new screen panels from Sharp and Qualcomm will be based on the technology of […]

by × December 4, 2012 × Comments are Disabled

Android, News, Smartphones

Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02E smartphone will go on sale on Nov 29

Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02E smartphone will go on sale on Nov 29

Smartphone Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02E was announced back in October as the first device of its kind with display, built on the basis of technology IGZO. But it will go on sale only until 29 November and only in Japan. It should be noted that the market already has […]

by × November 27, 2012 × Comments are Disabled

Android, News, Tablets

Aquos Pad SHT21 tablet with Sharp IGZO display: Specs & Features

Aquos Pad SHT21 tablet with Sharp IGZO display: Specs & Features

Recently, Sharp has revealed the display technology IGZO and now it has gone to the masses. Initially, the company introduced its own smartphone Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02E on the basis of this screen, then ASUS Padfone 2, where IGZO-mounted display, and it is time to tablets. In particular, it was […]

by × October 17, 2012 × Comments are Disabled

Android, News, Smartphones

Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02E the first smartphone with a display IGZO: Specs & Features

Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02E the first smartphone with a display IGZO: Specs & Features

In the line of smartphones offered by Japanese operator NTT DoCoMo, a new model – Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02E has entered. Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02E is the first device using the technology displays Sharp IGZO allows saving energy. Sharp has introduced the Advanced Display Technologies IGZO (Indium Gallium […]

by × October 11, 2012 × Comments are Disabled

Display & Monitor, News, Ultrabook

Sharp IGZO screen for Ultrabook will exceed the MacBook Pro Retina

Sharp IGZO screen for Ultrabook will exceed the MacBook Pro Retina

Intel intends to use Sharp IGZO technology on screen in the new generation of Ultrabook and to overcome the quality and resolution of technology Retina Display used by Apple in the MacBook Pro. The chip giant would be in talks with Sharp for a business alliance or even to enter […]

by × September 29, 2012 × Comments are Disabled